Insights and Tips for Enhancing Care at Home

Tips For Preventing Malnutrition in Seniors

Many of us remember gathering at Grandma’s house for Sunday dinners. However, because so many families now live far away from their elderly family members, and with numerous needs pulling us in multiple directions, it is difficult to keep up with this tradition – and it could be just one of the issues adding to a recent dramatic rise in senior malnutrition.

Are These Risk Factors for Elderly Abuse Present for Your Loved One?

Providing the helping hand that empowers seniors to stay healthy, independent, and happy is the intent of not only our professional senior care staff, but of most family caregivers as well. Because the quality of life of older adults is so important to us, it’s crucial that we review a topic that can be really difficult for many of us to even imagine – elder abuse.

Signs of Elder Abuse in Senior Loved Ones

While it goes without saying that abusing an older adult is something that would never even occur to most people, it is a tragically prevalent circumstance in the U.S. Elder abuse can occur in many forms, from physical to emotional, and it affects the most frail and vulnerable among us.

Is It Caregiver Burnout or Compassion Fatigue?

Care providers devote so much of themselves to those they care for – both physically and emotionally. It’s common to become worn down and to start to experience feelings such as apathy, weariness, and a detachment from the person in your care. Referred to as compassion fatigue or secondary traumatic stress, it can be harmful to your own health and wellbeing but may also impact your ability to be as…

Top Tips for Minimizing Family Caregiver Stress

Family caregiver stress is unavoidable, and in reality, not always a bad thing. Basically, as they say, “A diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well.” But particularly for family caregivers, the level of stress can quickly intensify and become overwhelming, and if not handled properly, bring on serious health concerns.

Is Aging at Home an Option?

A large proportion of seniors are set on aging at home, instead of relocating to an assisted living facility or nursing home – nearly 90 percent of them, based upon research conducted by AARP. And who can blame them? The comfort of familiar surroundings, the freedom to come and go as you would like, the freedom to prepare the meals you want when you would like them are all invaluable…

Wheelchair-Friendly Home Modifications for Seniors

Home is where we can truly relax and be ourselves, and that’s just part of why so many older individuals make the choice to remain at home throughout aging. But in many cases wheelchairs will become a part of life when seniors or those with certain disabilities experience decreased mobility. This can be especially challenging when it comes to ensuring the home is safe. Thankfully, a few home modifications for…

The Health Advantages of Senior Socialization

It is intuitive to most of us that senior socialization improves health and wellbeing. It connects seniors to other people’s experiences, beliefs, challenges, humor, opinions, and various other human occurrences. Now, however, scientific studies are confirming seniors socializing with others actually can enhance the wellness of both their minds and bodies.

Top 10 Tips for Proper Heart Medication Management for Seniors

If you or a senior loved one in your life have been diagnosed with heart disease, you know how important proper heart medication management for seniors is. It is essential to take heart disease meds exactly as prescribed. But what exactly does that mean? Here are a few helpful recommendations from Advanced Home Health Care to help you get the most from your meds: