Insights and Tips for Enhancing Care at Home

Top 10 Tips for Proper Heart Medication Management for Seniors

If you or a senior loved one in your life have been diagnosed with heart disease, you know how important proper heart medication management for seniors is. It is essential to take heart disease meds exactly as prescribed. But what exactly does that mean? Here are a few helpful recommendations from Advanced Home Health Care to help you get the most from your meds:

Reducing Hospital Readmissions in Seniors

There is presently a top priority for hospitals: reducing hospital readmissions in seniors who are at high risk. Healthcare Financial Management Association’s article “Two Ways Hospitals Can Reduce Avoidable Readmissions” explains that successful initiatives from a sampling of hospitals with minimal 30-day rehospitalizations are, to some degree, the result of participating with inpatient and outpatient care providers, such as Advanced Home Health Care, who can provide a continuum of care.

COVID-19 And COPD: What You Need To Know

Seniors with COPD have needed to remain especially vigilant since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Individuals with COPD are likely at both a higher risk for experiencing symptoms of the virus along with developing more serious complications as a result. COVID-19 and COPD can prove to be a challenging combination. A current study published by the European Respiratory Journal reported that people with COPD were more likely to be admitted to…

Early COPD Symptoms: How It’s Often Confused with Asthma

Coughing that won’t seem to go away. Wheezing. Shortness of breath. It’s likely an asthma attack, right? Before you reach for that inhaler or those cough drops, however, please consider if another culprit – COPD – may be a factor. With as many as 12 million people in America currently living with COPD (and as many as 12 million more who likely have the disease but have not yet been…

Enriching Activities for Seniors that Promote Purpose and Self-Worth

Perform an online search for the term “activities for seniors” and you’ll likely find a number of games, crafts, memory-stimulating puzzles, and of course, the requisite bingo. What you won’t find, unless you really search much longer, are the purposeful, philanthropic activities that bring meaning and enrichment to our lives. And yet, if you ask aging adults what they would most want to do, the majority of them will not…

Increasing Senior Self-Confidence Through Meaningful Activities

“Here, let me help you with that.” “Take it easy and don’t overdo it!” “You just sit down and rest; I’ll take care of that.” How many times have we made statements just like these to senior loved ones, with the very best of intentions, of course? We want to do whatever possible in an effort to help our older loved ones, to keep them safe and to take care…

Long Distance Caregiving: How to Prepare to Help Aging Parents From Far Away

Living far away from senior loved ones can make the need for help at home easier to overlook. As a matter of fact, many adult children of older parents never even realize that Mom and Dad need assistance until they come home for a visit or spend a longer period of time together during the course of the holiday season. If you are a family caregiver who lives far apart…

Top Five Treatment Options for Seniors with Mesothelioma

Older adults diagnosed with mesothelioma have a variety of options when it comes to treatment. The type of care your loved one receives will be determined after a doctor or specialist evaluates him or her. Since each older adult’s diagnosis is unique, treatment will vary on an individual basis. While there is no specific treatment that cures mesothelioma, an early diagnosis and aggressive treatment can lead to your loved one…

Facts and Myths About Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults

Urinary incontinence in seniors can be an embarrassing subject for those who experience it. The preconception behind the problem frequently contributes to individuals having either a lack of facts or believing in some common myths about incontinence. Following are some incontinence myths and the facts to be aware of instead:

Common Causes of Urinary Incontinence in Seniors

Urinary Incontinence, or reduced bladder control, is a disturbing and delicate issue, particularly for seniors. It can trigger a number of problems, from skin sores to social reclusiveness for individuals who are uncomfortable with leaving home in case of an “accident.” But while bladder leakage causes approximately 25 million people in America to suffer with difficulties, the affliction seldom receives the attention and conversation it needs. With the lack of…