Tips on How to Support Family Caregivers

Family caregivers know all too well how it is to feel invisible. Caring for someone you love takes center stage, and you may discover that your own needs are put on the back burner. A recent listening session, however, allowed family caregivers to speak honestly and openly about how to support family caregivers—and their feedback may surprise you. Here are some of the key findings and insights gleaned from these…

The Appropriate Steps for Transferring a Senior

The statistics are indeed alarming: more than half of all caregivers report injuries resulting from lifting or transferring older individuals. So many family members eventually assume the role of a caregiver, so it’s important to know the best safety measures for transferring a senior to ensure both your well-being and that of the person you care for.

Safe and Effective Tips for Lifting a Senior

Taking care of an older family member often means that you’ll be helping them move around the house, getting in and out of chairs and the bed, or even going to and from the bathroom. Handling these tasks incorrectly can pose a significant risk of injury to both you and the person you love, making it vitally important to know proper techniques for lifting a senior.

Noticing Signs of Senior Hearing Problems? These Tips Can Help!

“Can you repeat that for me?” “I’m sorry. One more time, dear?” “Excuse me – what did you say?” If you hear these phrases a lot while talking to an older adult with hearing problems, you’re not alone. The National Institute on Aging reports a strong link between aging and hearing loss, with as many as half of all individuals age 75 and older encountering senior hearing problems. Senior hearing…