When someone you love experiences a stroke or heart attack, you will likely want to focus on a list of steps that can be taken to make sure that the damaged heart heals. You will also want to address the lifestyle choices that contributed to the heart attack and make the appropriate lifestyle changes after a heart attack. Advanced Home Health Care’s experts in elderly care in Burlington and the…
Out of all the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, perhaps one of the most worrying is the person’s tendency for wandering and the potential dangers that may occur in the event that the senior becomes confused or lost.
Recovering from an operation takes time, especially for older adults. Not only do older bodies take longer to mend, but there are extra elements that need to be considered: decreased mobility and numerous directions to follow for medications, physical activities, follow-up appointments, and dietary restrictions, just to name a few.
Family caregivers give a tremendous amount of themselves to meet the needs of their loved ones, frequently giving up their own desires and needs along the way. It might seem normal, then, to assume that caregivers would feel very good about themselves, with high self-worth and a sense of purpose.
Falls in older adults are all too common, and may have dire consequences. If you care for an aging adult, taking the time to put preventative measures in place to protect against falls is vitally important, such as reviewing the home environment for any hazards such as throw rugs, poor lighting, a lack of grab bars and railings, etc. But there’s one additional strategy we recommend as well: creating a…
Has anyone ever said to you, “Wow, you look really tired! Are you having trouble sleeping?” While you may have been feeling pretty lively up until then, suddenly you actually DO feel a bit worn out. What we say when we speak to other people and the way it’s interpreted can be powerful. This is good to keep in mind if you’re caring for a senior loved one, or talking…
Home is where we can truly relax and be ourselves, and that’s just part of why so many older individuals make the choice to remain at home throughout aging. But in many cases wheelchairs will become a part of life when seniors or those with certain disabilities experience decreased mobility. This can be especially challenging when it comes to ensuring the home is safe. Thankfully, a few home modifications for…
With over 1/3 of all 60-year-olds taking five or more prescription medications, it’s no wonder that problems are occurring from overmedication. Polypharmacy, defined as “…when an adverse drug effect is misinterpreted as a new medical problem – leading to the prescribing of more medication to treat the initial drug-induced symptom,” can lead to a variety of additional health risks or worsening of existing health conditions. It’s advised that seniors and…
With many aging parents taking many different prescriptions, and with health care professionals changing and adding dosages and medications to discover just the right solutions, it’s important to know what to do with prescription drugs that are no longer needed or that have expired. There are a number of options to safely dispose of medications:
As Jane Austen once said, “There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.” And for someone with a chronic disease, like multiple sclerosis (MS), remaining as comfortable as possible, and, as safe as possible, is essential. Luckily, making multiple sclerosis patients comfortable at home is possible with a few tips and some outside help. If someone you love has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, the preliminary step should…