There are a few common objections to in-home care that many seniors employ when trying to convince family members that they do not need care.
Despite the fact that many older adults acclimate smoothly when a new caregiver comes into the home and start to enjoy a higher quality of life, there are some older adults who may continue to feel threatened. At Advanced Home Health Care, we’re sensitive to the feelings of each senior we serve, and are skilled in helping to ease concerns and common objections to in-home care to restore peace.
An older adult who feels the need to convince their family that a caregiver is simply not required may implement one of these common techniques:
- Making unsafe decisions. A senior who is encouraged to rest and allow someone else to handle a task that may now be unsafe, such as climbing a ladder to replace a lightbulb, may do just the opposite. They may be attempting to show that they are still capable of activities like this, but it could cause a fall and serious injury.
- Becoming argumentative. Frustrations at being seen as incapable of self-care may present as an increase in arguments, even over relatively trivial matters. It’s important to understand the underlying sense that the individual needs to prove their ability to remain in control and in charge.
- Distancing from family and friends. The individual may display irritation by being standoffish and turning down necessary support from family members. For instance, an adult child who usually accompanies the person to medical appointments may now be banned by the person from going into the exam room.
- Hiding activities. If an agreement has been made for the senior to restrict driving, for example, they may continue to drive when no one is around. Another example is refusing to stick to a diabetic diet, eating unhealthily in private.
How Can You Help Someone Feel More Comfortable With Home Care Help?
The truth is, no one wants to feel as though they are unable to meet their own daily needs, or that they’re in a state of decline. It’s important to validate the important role the person continues to play in our lives, and let them know often that they are both needed and valued. Several ways to achieve this include:
- Enlist the senior’s help in meaningful tasks.
- Spend plenty of time listening to and engaging in conversations with the individual.
- Ask the senior for advice.
- Reminisce regarding ways the person has affected your life.
A professional caregiver from Advanced Home Health Care will understand the many emotions older adults experience and the ways in which those emotions may present. All of our caregivers are trained and experienced in helping foster a sense of self-worth and pleasure in life.
Reach out to us at 800.791.7785 for more tips and resources to pave the way to a smoother journey through aging! We provide a free in-home consultation to answer any questions you may have and to recommend a plan of care to address the specific needs of a senior you love.