Your Burlington Area Home Health Care Resource
At Advanced Home Health Care, we take great pride and honor in our position as an Iowa home health care resource. Advocacy and community education are the two main pillars on which our agency was founded, and we strive to provide resources that our clients, their families and members of our local Iowa communities will find helpful as they search for home care and navigate the often overwhelming healthcare system.
The following resources have been compiled to help you find the information you need, no matter what stage of the health care journey you’re in.
- Advance Healthcare Network: Online magazine that gives readers the latest information across the post-acute care continuum—including sub-acute, long-term and home health care.
- Alzheimer’s Association: A national network of chapters, the Alzheimer’s Association is the largest national voluntary health organization committed to finding a cure for Alzheimer’s and helping those affected by the disease.
- American Association for Respiratory Care: The American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) is the leading national and international professional association for respiratory care. The AARC encourages and promotes professional excellence, advances the science and practice of respiratory care, and serves as an advocate for patients and their families, the public, the profession and the respiratory therapist.
- American Heart Association: The American Heart Association is a national voluntary health agency whose mission is to reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
- American Society on Aging: Through renowned educational programming, outstanding publications and state-of-the-art information and training resources, ASA members tap into the knowledge and experience of the largest network of professionals in the field.
- American Stroke Association: The division of the American Heart Association that’s solely focused on reducing disability and death from stroke through research, education, fundraising and advocacy.
- Caregiver Action Network: The Caregiver Action Network’s mission is to provide assistance, education, support and referrals for informal family caregivers, as well to promote public awareness about the realities of caregiving.
- Caregiving: Information regarding caring for a family member.
- Caring Connections: Caring Connections, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO), is a national consumer engagement initiative to improve care at the end of life, supported by a grant from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
- Caring Institute: The Caring Institute is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the principles of caring, integrity, and public service. The Caring Institute continually honors and promotes a new standard of social responsibility and the concept that one person can make a difference.
- Disability Resources: Disability Resources, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization established to promote and improve awareness, availability and accessibility of information that can help people with disabilities live, learn, love, work and play independently.
- Drugwatch: Drugwatch is a nationwide advocacy group that provides up-to-date news, podcasts and educational guides on health concerns and risks, and offers help to those seeking answers when taking medications and medical devices. Drugwatch keeps an eye on pharmaceutical companies to ensure your medical drugs and devices are free of harm.
- Senior Wellness Guide – Healthy Aging –
- Drug Doses and Drug Interactions –
- Hip Replacement Informational Guide –
- Family Caregiver Alliance: A public voice for caregivers, it is the first community-based nonprofit organization in the country to address the needs of families and friends providing long-term care at home.
- Helping Caregivers: Resource site committed to caring for caregivers.
- Iowa Community Action Association: Advocating for policies and services that benefit those striving for economic security, including assistance with utility and housing costs.
- Iowa Department of Human Services: Access to Iowa assistance programs, adult protective services, as well as mental health and disability services.
- Long Term Care Provider: Provides the latest information and resources in the long term care industry.
- Access health information and tools for healthier living.
- MEDLINEplus: A service of the National Library of Medicine featuring current health news, dictionaries, MEDLINE and more.
- Milestones Area Agency on Aging: Local resources and support, including meal delivery and nutrition counseling.
- National Care Planning Council: The National Care Planning Council is dedicated to helping families recognize the need for long term care planning and to helping implement that planning.
- National Association for Home Care: NAHC is the nation’s largest trade association representing the interests and concerns of home care agencies, hospices, home care aide organizations and medical equipment suppliers.
- National Health Information Center: A portal to the websites of a number of multi-agency health initiatives and activities of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and other Federal departments and agencies.
- Parkinson’s Disease Foundation: The Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF) is a leading national presence in Parkinson’s disease research, education and public advocacy.
- The Center for Social Gerontology: TCSG is a non-profit research, training, and social policy organization dedicated to promoting the individual autonomy of older persons and advancing their well-being in society.
To learn more about our home care services, as well as our home health care in Burlington, Fort Madison, Keokuk, Mt. Pleasant, Mediapolis and the surrounding areas in Southeast Iowa, please contact Advanced Home Health Care today!