The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute estimates that upwards of 12 million adults are now diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and still another 12 million could be living with the disease and not even realize it. COPD typically strikes in middle age, and smoking is the top risk factor. Ongoing exposure to chemicals and dust can also heighten risk.
Family members providing COPD care for an older loved one know that outdoor air pollution can make symptoms worse. But, did you know that compromised air quality in the home can also aggravate COPD symptoms? Cleaning the air inside the home can help those with COPD – and everyone else in the home – breathe easier.
Common senior sleep disorders often cause negative effects such as extreme fatigue, problems with concentration and memory, and sleepiness. Making sure that senior loved ones experience a good night’s sleep can help ensure family caregivers do too. Below we’ve described the most prevalent disorders that can interrupt sleep and include signs to watch for that indicate medical attention may be needed: