Insights and Tips for Enhancing Care at Home

Intro to Treating Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

For those diagnosed with the disease, treating multiple sclerosis symptoms is a daily challenge. While there is no cure for multiple sclerosis (MS), hundreds of thousands of people in our country are living with it – around 400,000 individuals. Of that number, 86 percent of MS patients identify fatigue as the top symptom they’re experiencing when they discuss treating multiple sclerosis symptoms. The cause of MS is not known; it…

How to Make Nutritious Meals for Seniors

Our aging care professionals in Burlington understand that it’s not easy to make the right choices for nutritious meals for seniors when the guidelines for nutrition appear to constantly change. We had been told that saturated fats from sources including butter, red meat and fried foods were harmful and could affect a person’s odds of developing heart issues, but later studies indicated there isn’t enough evidence that those who gave…

Top 10 Tips for Proper Heart Medication Management for Seniors

If you or a senior loved one in your life have been diagnosed with heart disease, you know how important proper heart medication management for seniors is. It is essential to take heart disease meds exactly as prescribed. But what exactly does that mean? Here are a few helpful recommendations from Advanced Home Health Care to help you get the most from your meds:

2021 Senior Technology Trends to Enrich Quality of Life

This year, our home care services team saw firsthand how important the role of technology is in the lives of aging adults and seniors. As we move into 2021 and face the challenges of a new year, health and wellness are at the forefront of how we think about technology for older adults. In the new year, it’s predicted that these senior technology trends will be the ones to look…

Overcome Hurdles in Helping Seniors Adapt To New Technology

These days, seniors are flooded with a lot of high tech products directed at bettering their self-reliance and safety and contributing to life enhancement. With the touch of a button or two, they can instantly pay a visit “in person” with friends and relatives through Skype, wear a necklace that takes action with emergency services when needed, and even remain safe from getting lost with specialized sensors attached to clothing…

Reducing Hospital Readmissions in Seniors

There is presently a top priority for hospitals: reducing hospital readmissions in seniors who are at high risk. Healthcare Financial Management Association’s article “Two Ways Hospitals Can Reduce Avoidable Readmissions” explains that successful initiatives from a sampling of hospitals with minimal 30-day rehospitalizations are, to some degree, the result of participating with inpatient and outpatient care providers, such as Advanced Home Health Care, who can provide a continuum of care.

Holiday Safety for Seniors – Avoiding Emergency Room Visits

Although of course we’d love to visualize enjoying a Norman Rockwell-worthy holiday gathering, with all of our family members spending quality time together and Mom’s traditional holiday feast, the reality for numerous family gatherings instead can consist of something unanticipated: an E/R visit. In fact, research shows that E/R visits for seniors rise about 10 – 20% over the holiday season. That’s why it’s so important to take holiday safety…

Learning from and Responding to Confusion Caused by Alzheimer’s

Confusion caused by Alzheimer’s can lead to recent memories being forgotten or distorted, while memories from the more remote past frequently remain intact. This can cause more distant situations to make more sense to an older person with dementia than the present. A person’s alternate reality could be the senior’s way of making sense of the present through past memories.

Dementia Care Tip: How to Identify and Respond to Anosognosia

“How on earth could you think that I have dementia? There is not a thing wrong with me!” If an aging loved one with dementia has communicated sentiments such as this, you might have thought to yourself that the senior was actually in denial and reluctant to recognize such a challenging diagnosis. However, there could be a different reason: anosognosia, or the genuine unawareness that he/she is impaired by dementia….

COVID-19 And COPD: What You Need To Know

Seniors with COPD have needed to remain especially vigilant since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Individuals with COPD are likely at both a higher risk for experiencing symptoms of the virus along with developing more serious complications as a result. COVID-19 and COPD can prove to be a challenging combination. A current study published by the European Respiratory Journal reported that people with COPD were more likely to be admitted to…