Insights and Tips for Enhancing Care at Home

Learning from and Responding to Confusion Caused by Alzheimer’s

Confusion caused by Alzheimer’s can lead to recent memories being forgotten or distorted, while memories from the more remote past frequently remain intact. This can cause more distant situations to make more sense to an older person with dementia than the present. A person’s alternate reality could be the senior’s way of making sense of the present through past memories.

Dementia Care Tip: How to Identify and Respond to Anosognosia

“How on earth could you think that I have dementia? There is not a thing wrong with me!” If an aging loved one with dementia has communicated sentiments such as this, you might have thought to yourself that the senior was actually in denial and reluctant to recognize such a challenging diagnosis. However, there could be a different reason: anosognosia, or the genuine unawareness that he/she is impaired by dementia….

COVID-19 And COPD: What You Need To Know

Seniors with COPD have needed to remain especially vigilant since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Individuals with COPD are likely at both a higher risk for experiencing symptoms of the virus along with developing more serious complications as a result. COVID-19 and COPD can prove to be a challenging combination. A current study published by the European Respiratory Journal reported that people with COPD were more likely to be admitted to…

Early COPD Symptoms: How It’s Often Confused with Asthma

Coughing that won’t seem to go away. Wheezing. Shortness of breath. It’s likely an asthma attack, right? Before you reach for that inhaler or those cough drops, however, please consider if another culprit – COPD – may be a factor. With as many as 12 million people in America currently living with COPD (and as many as 12 million more who likely have the disease but have not yet been…

Enriching Activities for Seniors that Promote Purpose and Self-Worth

Perform an online search for the term “activities for seniors” and you’ll likely find a number of games, crafts, memory-stimulating puzzles, and of course, the requisite bingo. What you won’t find, unless you really search much longer, are the purposeful, philanthropic activities that bring meaning and enrichment to our lives. And yet, if you ask aging adults what they would most want to do, the majority of them will not…

Increasing Senior Self-Confidence Through Meaningful Activities

“Here, let me help you with that.” “Take it easy and don’t overdo it!” “You just sit down and rest; I’ll take care of that.” How many times have we made statements just like these to senior loved ones, with the very best of intentions, of course? We want to do whatever possible in an effort to help our older loved ones, to keep them safe and to take care…

Create Fun Activities for Seniors from Everyday Tasks

Millions of Americans are finding themselves in a role of providing senior home care for an older loved one, and even though being a family caregiver is exceedingly satisfying in many ways, the everyday duties involved with senior care can come to be monotonous for both the caregiver and the senior. Advanced Home Health Care, providers of the compassionate senior care and rehabilitation services Burlington, IA and surrounding area residents…

The Benefits of Senior Activities and How Advanced Home Health Care Can Help!

Is your loved one getting involved in senior activities on a regular basis, or is he/she stuck in a rut that generally features watching TV, eating, and sleeping? Especially during this time of quarantining and isolation, it can be challenging to maintain an active and involved way of living – but it is crucially important for the health and wellness of older adults.

Long Distance Caregiving: How to Prepare to Help Aging Parents From Far Away

Living far away from senior loved ones can make the need for help at home easier to overlook. As a matter of fact, many adult children of older parents never even realize that Mom and Dad need assistance until they come home for a visit or spend a longer period of time together during the course of the holiday season. If you are a family caregiver who lives far apart…

The Sandwich Generation and Making Caregiving Manageable

Are your senior parents in need of care? At the same time are you attempting to meet the needs of children and family at home? If so, you are a member of the sandwich generation – a demographic of men and women, usually in their 30s or 40s, who are now responsible for raising their own children while simultaneously providing care for their senior parents. The to-do lists of this…