Insights and Tips for Enhancing Care at Home

Post-Holiday Let-Down: Tips to Combat Loneliness in the Elderly

The holidays can be filled with a whirlwind of busyness for the seniors we love, with family get-togethers, holiday parties, faith-based events and services, and deciding on the best gifts for the ones they love. Yet after the ornaments are packed away and families have resumed the daily busyness of life, many seniors encounter a typical but little-discussed concern: post-holiday loneliness.

Diabetic Diet Tips to Help Seniors Successfully Navigate the Holidays

This season of holiday celebrations is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy time with loved ones and close friends, but let’s face it: it’s often also a time for overindulgence in less-than-healthy meals. With a multitude of rich, fatty, and sugary delicacies to choose from at every turn, it’s difficult to abide by a healthy diet, which can result in serious health concerns for individuals with diabetes.

Aging in Place – Is Staying at Home an Option?

We all face a number of critical crossroads in life, when decisions we make will result in far-reaching effects. The career we choose. Who (or whether) to marry. Whether or not to have children. And as we age, another life-changing decision needs to be made: should we move into an assisted living environment so that we have the level of care needed during our years of aging? Or is aging…

Home Safety for Elderly – Age in Place With Comfort and Security

We all know that home is where the heart is, which is why the hearts of so many older adults are set on remaining at home throughout aging, rather than facing a move to a nursing home or assisted living facility – as many as 90% of them, in fact, according to research conducted by AARP. And it stands to reason: the familiarity of home’s surroundings, the freedom to go…

A Healthy Diet for COPD Patients Helps Decrease Symptom Severity

The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute estimates that upwards of 12 million adults are now diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and still another 12 million could be living with the disease and not even realize it. COPD typically strikes in middle age, and smoking is the top risk factor. Ongoing exposure to chemicals and dust can also heighten risk.

Decrease COPD Symptoms by Cleaning the Air Inside Your Home

Family members providing COPD care for an older loved one know that outdoor air pollution can make symptoms worse. But, did you know that compromised air quality in the home can also aggravate COPD symptoms? Cleaning the air inside the home can help those with COPD – and everyone else in the home – breathe easier.

Try These Tips to Improve Medication Management for Seniors

With as many as 10,000 prescription drugs available in the United States, it’s no surprise that so many seniors – approximately one in three – are taking a minimum of five of them each and every day. And family caregivers recognize firsthand the struggles of medication management for seniors. In fact, studies show that as many as 55% of prescription drugs are being taken incorrectly for a variety of reasons,…

Simple Physiotherapy Exercises Improve Overall Health and Safety as We Age

Improving a senior’s balance is one of the best ways to improve overall health, especially when it comes to fall prevention. After an older adult has had a fall, the person’s instinctive reaction is often to decrease physical activity in an effort to reduce the risk of falling again; yet it’s essential for seniors to maximize their overall muscle strength and balance and remain as active as possible.

Learn About Risk Factors and Resources for Senior Fall Prevention Safety

Perhaps you’ve been beside a loved one at the hospital and noticed the nurse attaching a brightly colored “FALL RISK” band to his/her wrist, alerting the medical team to this increased risk. This allows extra safety measures to be taken to keep patients safe during medical procedures. However, many do not know that a fall risk exists even in routine, everyday life among individuals diagnosed with these conditions: