In a new, ongoing trial, deep-brain stimulation – more commonly used for Parkinson’s patients – is being tested on stroke survivors. Involving the implantation of an electrode that stimulates a particular area of the brain, the anticipated response will be a reversal of the paralysis so often encountered following a stroke, and the restoration of mobility. In order to comprehend how a stroke restricts normal brain function, Laurie Ann Bonkoski,…
In Iowa, most of us have areas of our homes designated as storage areas. But oftentimes those storage areas spill over into other areas of the home as increasingly more memorabilia is saved with the thought of, “I can’t get rid of this. I may want it someday.” Yet, what happens when “someday” never happens, and those piles of things turn out to be more of a burden than a…
From sunup to sundown, a day in the life of someone with diabetes is overloaded with a variety of tasks to manage the disease. Between medications, insulin injections, checking blood sugar levels, exercising, and handling nutritional requirements, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Advanced Home Health Care’s Southeast Iowa in-home senior care professionals realize the challenges and struggles of diabetes care management, and offer the following tips to help lower stress…
Contrary to popular belief, diabetes is not a one-size-fits-all disease. Because the risk factors, signs and treatments can vary significantly between type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes, the aging care specialists at Advanced Home Health Care offer the following breakdown to make it easier to understand the differences between all types of diabetes. Gestational Diabetes Gestational diabetes, as its name implies, affects only pregnant women, usually presenting at about…
In our last blog post, we shared some of the red flags that can indicate imminent caregiver burnout, as well as the dangers to both the overly-stressed caregiver and the care receiver herself. One of the most critical steps to take when feeling overwhelmed with caregiving stress is to take a time-out to take care of yourself. These tips, courtesy of Advanced Home Health Care, offering in-home elder care in…
Providing care for a senior loved one, although rewarding, is definitely not for the faint of heart. The 24/7 stress of meeting all of a loved one’s needs can quickly escalate to the dangerous point of caregiver burnout – which leads to the possibility of losing even more patience and experiencing more emotional outbursts. And, not only is the caregiver herself affected by burnout, but the senior suffers as well….
Following heart surgery, an intricate web of care needs arises, from dietary changes to incision care, pain management, swelling minimization, and more. The last thing a senior wants after returning home from such a traumatic event is to face the need for rehospitalization. Advanced Home Health Care wants to help ensure your senior loved one recovers fully and as quickly as possible from heart surgery, and offers the following tips:…
It’s such a feeling of relief when the medical staff informs you that your senior loved one is ready to be released from the hospital following surgery. But as they hand you that packet of discharge papers and instructions, a bit of uncertainty may begin to creep in. Will your loved one be able to care for herself at home? Prepare to ease transitions after surgery from hospital to home…
We all know it: aging and cataracts go together like salt and pepper. 90% of those age 65 and older develop cataracts, and by 75, as many as 50% have developed vision loss as a result of the cataracts. And currently, the only cataract treatment to restore cleared vision has been surgery. Enter the latest news in the control of cataracts, which may be available in as early as five…
Today’s seniors are inundated with an explosion of high tech home health care products aimed at improving their independence and safety and enhancing their lives. In just a few clicks, they can instantly visit with friends and family through Skype, wear a device that connects to emergency assistance if needed, even stay safe from wandering with special sensors attached to shoes or a shirt. The issue becomes how to encourage…