Insights and Tips for Enhancing Care at Home

Tips on How to SMILE Through Caregiving Challenges

Stop for a moment to close your eyes and visualize yourself like this: You’ve spent most of your life providing care for and helping others – as a mother or father, in your occupation, through volunteering in your community, and as a grandparent. After a lifetime of living independently and being in control of all of your decisions, you have now aged to the point that you actually are the…

Are These Risk Factors for Elderly Abuse Present for Your Loved One?

Providing the helping hand that empowers seniors to stay healthy, independent, and happy is the intent of not only our professional senior care staff, but of most family caregivers as well. Because the quality of life of older adults is so important to us, it’s crucial that we review a topic that can be really difficult for many of us to even imagine – elder abuse.

Signs of Elder Abuse in Senior Loved Ones

While it goes without saying that abusing an older adult is something that would never even occur to most people, it is a tragically prevalent circumstance in the U.S. Elder abuse can occur in many forms, from physical to emotional, and it affects the most frail and vulnerable among us.

Top Tips for Minimizing Family Caregiver Stress

Family caregiver stress is unavoidable, and in reality, not always a bad thing. Basically, as they say, “A diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well.” But particularly for family caregivers, the level of stress can quickly intensify and become overwhelming, and if not handled properly, bring on serious health concerns.

Overcoming Caregiver Guilt with Positive Affirmations

So many people are attempting to juggle multiple obligations, and for family caregivers, it can feel like juggling flaming swords and knives. It’s natural for family members to become overloaded and to experience feelings of caregiver guilt when wanting to provide the best care for a loved one.

Planning Fun Holiday Activities for Seniors

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season can be tiring and overstimulating for many older adults. And with everyone shopping, running errands, and attending holiday celebrations, seniors can sometimes feel forgotten in the fun. With a little pre-planning, however, the right adjustments to beloved traditions can be made (or new traditions started) so that the whole family can celebrate the season together.

Creating a Family Memory Book with Aging Loved Ones

Reuniting with loved ones during the holidays can be a wonderful time of connecting and enjoying time together! It can also be quite eye-opening. Some families notice a growing gap between generations, with the kids huddled together around their phones and iPads while Grandpa sits quietly on the couch just watching. If you’re looking to get the whole family together and enjoy each other’s company, and make some memories, one…