Overcome Hurdles in Helping Seniors Adapt To New Technology

These days, seniors are flooded with a lot of high tech products directed at bettering their self-reliance and safety and contributing to life enhancement. With the touch of a button or two, they can instantly pay a visit “in person” with friends and relatives through Skype, wear a necklace that takes action with emergency services when needed, and even remain safe from getting lost with specialized sensors attached to clothing…

Learning from and Responding to Confusion Caused by Alzheimer’s

Confusion caused by Alzheimer’s can lead to recent memories being forgotten or distorted, while memories from the more remote past frequently remain intact. This can cause more distant situations to make more sense to an older person with dementia than the present. A person’s alternate reality could be the senior’s way of making sense of the present through past memories.

COVID-19 And COPD: What You Need To Know

Seniors with COPD have needed to remain especially vigilant since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Individuals with COPD are likely at both a higher risk for experiencing symptoms of the virus along with developing more serious complications as a result. COVID-19 and COPD can prove to be a challenging combination. A current study published by the European Respiratory Journal reported that people with COPD were more likely to be admitted to…

Increasing Senior Self-Confidence Through Meaningful Activities

“Here, let me help you with that.” “Take it easy and don’t overdo it!” “You just sit down and rest; I’ll take care of that.” How many times have we made statements just like these to senior loved ones, with the very best of intentions, of course? We want to do whatever possible in an effort to help our older loved ones, to keep them safe and to take care…

The 6 Best COVID-19 Resources for Seniors and Family Caregivers

Recognizing the best place to turn with regard to the latest, most dependable info on COVID-19, particularly as it relates to older adults and those who care for them, is extremely important – and complicated. Due to so many resources and different opinions on this earth-shattering topic, our team at Advanced Home Health Care wanted to help make it simpler to find what you need by providing the list below of…

How Care Coordination Services Can Help Seniors Age in Place at Home

Ask nearly all older people if they want to remain in their homes, even if they are struggling with aging-related issues, and the reply is overwhelmingly a resounding “yes!” Having to move away from home, a place that has so many memories, can be distressing, even if seniors can identify that it’s getting more challenging to manage the tasks of everyday life. But, wishing to continue to be at home…

Facts and Myths About Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults

Urinary incontinence in seniors can be an embarrassing subject for those who experience it. The preconception behind the problem frequently contributes to individuals having either a lack of facts or believing in some common myths about incontinence. Following are some incontinence myths and the facts to be aware of instead:

Common Causes of Urinary Incontinence in Seniors

Urinary Incontinence, or reduced bladder control, is a disturbing and delicate issue, particularly for seniors. It can trigger a number of problems, from skin sores to social reclusiveness for individuals who are uncomfortable with leaving home in case of an “accident.” But while bladder leakage causes approximately 25 million people in America to suffer with difficulties, the affliction seldom receives the attention and conversation it needs. With the lack of…

Tips for Coping with a Chronic Illness as an Older Adult

Have you ever started your day and thought, “It’s likely to be one of those days!” Perhaps your alarm didn’t go off, the hot water heater decided to quit working, and the dog chewed up one of your favorite shoes overnight. Now envision if every day were “one of those days!” For an individual coping with a chronic illness (and that’s much of the senior population), daily struggles and challenges…

New Chronic Disease Care Management Approach Puts Patient’s Goals First

Regarding chronic diseases, seniors are usually the experts, hands down, with as many as three out of four older persons impacted by a number of conditions that are ongoing, require extensive medical attention, and put limitations on activities. With the continuous barrage of bloodwork and other exams, physicians’ appointments and procedures and medications, chronic disease care management often takes both a physical and emotional toll, and that can quickly become…