Help older loved ones build strength and prevent falls with these exercises for seniors.
According to the CDC, around one in three seniors suffer falls every year, and fewer than fifty percent discuss those falls with their doctors. Often, a senior fall can lead to a serious injury, but even when it doesn’t, the senior can develop a fear of falling. This can lead to limited ability to exercise, a fear of going out and being social, and even a greater risk of another fall.
In our previous blog post, we shared simple home modifications that can reduce the risk of a senior fall. There are also several fall prevention exercises for seniors that can help increase muscle strength, improve balance, and enhance confidence and overall wellbeing. Try the fall prevention exercises for seniors below, but make sure to check with the senior’s physician first:
- One-Legged Stand: While holding onto a grab bar or other secure object, raise one leg off the ground. Hold this pose and maintain balance on the standing leg.
- Calf Muscle Strengthening: Holding onto a chair, counter, or wall, rise up and down on tiptoes. As strength is increased, try to rise higher up on the toes.
- Leg Lifts: Using a secure object like a chair or counter to maintain balance, lift the knee as high as your hip (if possible). Hold for at least three seconds, then lower the leg.
- Toe Taps: While seated, simply tap the toes against the floor.
- Sit-to-Stand: Holding on to a chair for support, stand up and then sit back down. Repeat 10 times. Try to decrease reliance on the chair as legs get stronger.
- Shin Muscle Strengthening: Stand and lean against a wall for support, with heels seven to eight inches from the wall. Lift the toes of both feet off the ground as high as possible.
- Flex and Point: While seated, point the toes and then flex them. Repeat several times with both feet.
A fall at home can be a devastating event for an older loved one. Advanced Home Health Care’s in-home care experts in Burlington and the surrounding area are skilled at helping seniors get the exercise they need to stay fit and active as they age. We can also assist with home modifications to ensure that the home is safe and secure. Give us a call at 800.791.7785 or reach out to us online to learn more about our home care services and how we can help senior loved ones stay safe at home.