Insights and Tips for Enhancing Care at Home

Best Ways for Dealing with Siblings and Elderly Parents with Care Needs at Home

When we were young, we figured out how to share toys and games as well as the attention of our parents. Those same feelings likely carry with us well into the adult years. As nice as it is to have brothers and sisters, there also are times it can bring about heightened stress levels, such as when meeting care needs at home for aging parents. While loving each other and…

Learn to Recognize the Warning Signs of a Stroke

Stroke, according to the National Stroke Association, is listed as the fifth leading reason for death in the U.S., with an annual count of about 800,000 individuals suffering from a stroke. This signifies that every 40 seconds somebody in some location in our nation experiences a stroke. And every four minutes somebody dies from a stroke.

Best Strategies for Communicating with Seniors with Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia have a profound impact on a person’s ability to communicate. The disease has an effect on speech and the effective use of words, as well as the comprehension of words. As the disease progresses into its later stages, language as a method of interacting becomes less effective, and family and friends may need to incorporate alternative Alzheimer’s strategies for communicating to interact with…