Insights and Tips for Enhancing Care at Home

How Technology for Senior Independence Can Be a First Step to Home Care

Introducing extra help at home can feel like walking a tightrope. You want to offer support, but hesitation or resistance can make the conversation tricky. What if the solution wasn’t just about introducing care but about using technology for senior independence, safety, and comfort? Technology has revolutionized the way older adults can maintain their quality of life. From smart tools to wearable devices, these innovations offer support while preserving dignity…

Breaking Through Misconceptions About Home Care

Mom used to tackle housework and cooking like a pro—whipping up family favorites, keeping every corner spotless, and somehow making it all look easy. But now, things have changed. The vacuum feels heavier, laundry piles up faster, and cooking complex meals has turned into a draining chore. You’ve suggested getting a little help, but she shuts the idea down immediately. Where’s the resistance coming from? For many older adults, misconceptions…

Tips on How to Support Family Caregivers

Family caregivers know all too well how it is to feel invisible. Caring for someone you love takes center stage, and you may discover that your own needs are put on the back burner. A recent listening session, however, allowed family caregivers to speak honestly and openly about how to support family caregivers—and their feedback may surprise you. Here are some of the key findings and insights gleaned from these…

24-Hour Care to Help Seniors Age at Home Without Facing a Move

At first, caring for Mom may have just taken up a few hours of the week. But now, she’s starting to need help throughout most of the day and maybe even into the night. Now, you’re realizing Mom would feel most secure with someone around 24/7, ensuring her needs are met and ready to tackle any unexpected situations.

Caregiving With Your Siblings: Working With a Mediator

When you’re caregiving with your siblings to make sure the needs of your aging parents are satisfied, even the closest brothers and sisters can find themselves in disagreement. Stress levels and emotions are, of course, running high. Add to that your past family history and dynamics, which have a tendency to resurface during the course of challenging times, and it’s not hard to see how troublesome this stage in life…

Common Objections to In-Home Care

Despite the fact that many older adults acclimate smoothly when a new caregiver comes into the home and start to enjoy a higher quality of life, there are some older adults who may continue to feel threatened. At Advanced Home Health Care, we’re sensitive to the feelings of each senior we serve, and are skilled in helping to ease concerns and common objections to in-home care to restore peace.

Know the Difference Between Dementia and Depression in Seniors

A visit with Mom recently revealed a number of unsettling signs. Even though she’s always been up at the crack of dawn, now it is hard to wake her before lunchtime. Rather than fixing an elaborate home-cooked meal, she prefers to simply warm up a can of soup; and can barely finish a small bowlful. Not only that, but she’s lost interest in spending time with her beloved friends from…