Despite the fact that many older adults acclimate smoothly when a new caregiver comes into the home and start to enjoy a higher quality of life, there are some older adults who may continue to feel threatened. At Advanced Home Health Care, we’re sensitive to the feelings of each senior we serve, and are skilled in helping to ease concerns and common objections to in-home care to restore peace.
As experts in senior home care, we witness firsthand every day the joy, companionship, and elevated quality of life older individuals receive from caregiving. But we also know that many seniors initially reject the idea of home care help.
COVID-19 cases in nursing homes and assisted living facilities have been absolutely devastating, as the sickness spread like wildfire through our most vulnerable population in such close living quarters. As a result, many families decided to move their senior parents home, which raised a number of challenges.
Care providers devote so much of themselves to those they care for – both physically and emotionally. It’s common to become worn down and to start to experience feelings such as apathy, weariness, and a detachment from the person in your care. Referred to as compassion fatigue or secondary traumatic stress, it can be harmful to your own health and wellbeing but may also impact your ability to be as…
Everyone goes through times when they just want to be by themselves for a bit with their thoughts, to work through issues in their lives without distractions, or simply to experience some downtime. For seniors, however, being isolated for an extended period of time may be indicative of a more serious condition: depression.
Living far away from senior loved ones can make the need for help at home easier to overlook. As a matter of fact, many adult children of older parents never even realize that Mom and Dad need assistance until they come home for a visit or spend a longer period of time together during the course of the holiday season. If you are a family caregiver who lives far apart…
Are your senior parents in need of care? At the same time are you attempting to meet the needs of children and family at home? If so, you are a member of the sandwich generation – a demographic of men and women, usually in their 30s or 40s, who are now responsible for raising their own children while simultaneously providing care for their senior parents. The to-do lists of this…
Urinary Incontinence, or reduced bladder control, is a disturbing and delicate issue, particularly for seniors. It can trigger a number of problems, from skin sores to social reclusiveness for individuals who are uncomfortable with leaving home in case of an “accident.” But while bladder leakage causes approximately 25 million people in America to suffer with difficulties, the affliction seldom receives the attention and conversation it needs. With the lack of…
Have you ever started your day and thought, “It’s likely to be one of those days!” Perhaps your alarm didn’t go off, the hot water heater decided to quit working, and the dog chewed up one of your favorite shoes overnight. Now envision if every day were “one of those days!” For an individual coping with a chronic illness (and that’s much of the senior population), daily struggles and challenges…
We all face a number of critical crossroads in life, when decisions we make will result in far-reaching effects. The career we choose. Who (or whether) to marry. Whether or not to have children. And as we age, another life-changing decision needs to be made: should we move into an assisted living environment so that we have the level of care needed during our years of aging? Or is aging…